Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair Read online

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  And was there a more welcoming sound for a man than a woman’s cry of pleasure?

  Dallas pulled back and then plunged back in, and did it over and over, her thick warm liquid and pulsating snatch aiding him. Demonically, he added to the rising tension inside her loins by slyly sliding his finger in and out of her rectum while rutting her pussy.

  After several minutes of fucking the poor librarian in her pussy and her ass, he knew when she was about to explode by the way her loins pulsed even more strongly around him, the Secret Affair 67

  way the wriggling of her butt became more frantic, and by the way her cries became more desperate and pleading. When he sensed that she was about to go over the edge, Dallas gripped her hips with both hands and began to pound into her.

  Anna Marie gave a long, tortuous wail when she felt the tension in her loins reach their peak before it broke all over her body, reducing her to a shuddering mass. Feeling her spill her orgasm all over his cock, Dallas pounded even harder and faster, as if in desperation to avoid the inevitable before he, too, was overcome by the pleasure that broke in his own loins, leaving him trembling and groaning in its wake.

  Three hours later, Anna Marie woke up, sweating under the covers because the sun’s

  warmth was by now pouring into her room, turning it into a furnace. She sat up and looked around, feeling a little disoriented, then remembered her bed partner but there was no sign of him. She looked at her clock and saw that it was a little past ten o’clock. She cocked her ears a little but did not hear any sounds coming from the bathroom or from anywhere else in her condo.

  She knew that more than likely, he was either on a plane back to Washington, D.C., or on his way to the airport to catch the flight.

  She moved to get off the bed but found that her body not only protested but also refused to obey the summons from her brain. Her limbs were still heavy from the torpor of sexual aftermath that still lingered in her muscles. Parts of her body were sore, especially the area where her hips and thighs joined, her shoulders, thigh muscles, even her stomach from arching her body and clenching the muscles every time the intense pleasure clutched at her body.

  “Oh, no,” she said to herself, and flopped back down on the bed, and winced when that triggered her soreness again.

  She had to get to work even though she was already two hours late. But what could she do if she couldn’t move her body? Could she claim some PTO hours if she were to call in sick due to too much sex, for being used by a male in an overtly debauched manner? She knew some employees called in sick because they were debilitated with hangovers from excessive drinking the night before. That’s what she felt she had at the moment, a hangover, a Dallas hung-like-a horse hangover. God, the man could go all night. Or was his phenomenal stamina due to the fact that this was the first time he had sex in several months because he had just come out from a deep cover mission in some exotic country where there was no opportunity to engage in sex?

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  Casting off her fanciful thoughts, she struggled to pull herself off the bed and was about to go into her closet for her robe when she saw a white tee shirt on her chair. It was his tee shirt and he had more than likely forgotten to put it in his canvas bag. Anna Marie lifted it and pressed it to her face. It still smelled of him, that particular male musk of his, and she was assailed with a sudden need for Dallas’s tall, muscled body to be pressed hard against hers, to have the feel of his long legs parting her hers while he filled her, his demanding mouth taking hers as he drove into her. He had left her bed only a few hours ago and already she was having withdrawal symptoms. She never realized a person could go through withdrawals from sex. She pulled the tee shirt over her head. It came nearly below her knees and the short sleeve below her elbows. It made her hunger for him even more, making her weak all over again.

  She suddenly felt depressed. She was certain that she would never experience the sex she had with Dallas ever again. God, she thought, I wish I could have videotaped it all. If she had, then she would have been able to play it over and over, again and again, allowing her to relive the wondrous sensation of having a man like Dallas find her so sexy and attractive that he was not only willing to take her to bed once but do it repeatedly, making her sob and squirm beneath him for hours. She would have a lifetime recording of those intensely erotic hours, hidden away in her drawer, probably beneath her underwear. That’s where people in television seem to keep their dirty pictures and videotapes. At least, on crimes shows, the detectives are always finding them there.

  She suddenly giggled when she realized what she was thinking. One night of unmitigated sexual romp and she was well on her way to becoming thoroughly depraved. But she didn’t care.

  She felt so…liberated. She had never realized that sex, good sex, very good sex that was so nasty and corrupt, could free a woman.

  Anna Marie forced herself to walk out of the bedroom and through her condominium,

  depressed again to find that, indeed, Dallas was gone minus one white tee-shirt. She saw by the half-eaten cat bowl on the floor that before he left, he had fed the cat and had given it a fresh bowl of cream.

  Stuart, the orange tabby, pushed through the kitchen swing door and lumbered his great weight up onto the counter. He shoved his head under her arm and began to meow.

  She scratched his head and looked down at him. “No, I’m not feeding you again. I know you just ate a few hours ago, and you didn’t even have the grace to finish all of your breakfast.” Secret Affair 69

  Stuart had the annoying habit of a finicky cat that was quite used to getting his way of eating only half of his meal and then refusing to touch the rest of it until Anna Marie had set down a clean bowl with food from a freshly opened pouch. For such a finicky eater, though, he was quite fat.

  Seeing that he wasn’t going to be able to cajole his mistress to opening up a fresh pouch or pour more cream in his bowl, Stuart flipped his fat tail and climbed down. Despite his size, he padded with graceful dignity to a sunny spot in front of the glass patio door and began to clean himself.

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  Chapter 6

  Two hours later, Anna Marie practically sailed through the doors of the library, calling out, “Good morning,” to all the employees. Most gave her sour looks then went back to their computers to scowl at the screen or scowl at the demanding customers who were wanting to know where they could find information on the body of Jimmy Hoffa or research on the horoscope of their pets.

  “You’re late,” Beatrice said.

  She followed Anna Marie into her office and closed the door. She was in her early forties, divorced for eight years, no kids, and had worked for the library for twenty years. She tended to view and take on life with wry grimness. Anna Marie was one person she ever bothered to harangue or harass out of some sort of twisted affection, completely ignoring the fact that the younger woman was her superior.

  “You’re very late. You should have been here six hours ago.”

  Anna Marie hung up her coat and purse. “As you know, Bea, the library is a very well oiled operation. It would take several years before it would fall apart if I were to be missed for that long.”

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  “Councilman Broders stopped by at nine o’clock this morning,” Bea informed her.

  Anna Marie turned to her assistant and winced. “Oh, that’s right. I was supposed to have a meeting this morning with him and our budget director and go over the proposal.”

  “Yes. Councilman Broders is very anxious to turn this place into some trendy coffee and book shop, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, I guess he is.”

  “Think it’s going to happen?”

  “I’m not sure.” Anna Marie said absently. She looked around her office for a moment, a quizzical frown marring her forehead. Then it cleared when her eyes went to the windows. She went over to them and flung them open, feeling that she suddenly needed to bring into her small cramped office the air of the outsid
e world. “Ahhh, much better.” Behind her, Beatrice raised her eyebrows, because she had never known Anna Marie to ever care about her windows being open.

  The flowers that were in full bloom for the middle of spring in the garden below caught Anna Marie’s eyes. It was a small, rather quaint scene that was bursting with myriad of dense, sensuous colors. She wondered why she never noticed such a charming picture right below her.

  She leaned out the window and gazed at the bright colors dreamily, somehow, their velvety, intense shades reminding her of the powerful eroticism that she had experienced with a very demanding, very savage Navy SEAL.

  “I never knew I had such a Garden of Eden right beneath me. It reminds me that I must start planting my garden,” she mused.

  Bea narrowed her eyes. “Hey, what gives? There’s something different about you,

  besides the fact that you’re in six hours later than your usual arrival.”

  Anna Marie turned from the window, her eyes still starry that she didn’t see her

  assistant’s careful scrutiny. “I guess the first thing we need to do is to decide what we we’re going to do with Broder’s proposal.” She sat down at her desk and began to thumb through her neat piles of paper and folders. “Now, let’s see where did I put it? I think I tried to bury it, hoping that if I ignored it, it would all go away. –Ah, here it is.” She held up a manila folder with a triumphant smile. “You know, an upscale coffee and gift shop in here might draw in the public, which is what we’re after in the end, isn’t it?”

  Bea became even more suspicious. “Why are you so happy this morning? You’re

  practically walking on air.”

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  “Can’t a girl come into work every once in awhile in a good mood without people

  thinking there’s something wrong…”

  Bea snapped her fingers. “That’s it. You got laid last night.”

  Anna Marie flushed. “Now why would you think that…”

  “And you got laid good, didn’t you? You must have been to be sporting such a silly grin and talking in such an addlepated manner. Who was he?”

  Anna Marie was uncomfortable revealing anything about last night, because, in truth, she was unused to engaging in gossip about sexual escapades. But then, she never really had anything in her personal life that was in serious want of recounting to other women until now.

  And last night definitely qualified for bragging rights.

  Bea settled back in her chair, watching the other woman’s face. “Well, it’s about time. I was starting to wonder if you knew what sex was.”

  “I’ve had sex before,” Anna Marie said tartly.

  “I won’t ask if it was any good by the look on your face. Who was he? Where did you

  meet him?’

  She hesitated. “He’s my brother-in-law’s brother.”

  Bea frowned. “Cameron’s brother? The one you never met because he was always

  somewhere on some strange mission? Oh, you mean the Navy SEAL.” Her dark eyes widened.

  “You went to bed with a Navy SEAL?”

  Anna Marie blew out a breath, then laughed. Actually, it was more of a giggle, making her sound very young. “Yes. Can you believe that? Me, being taken to bed by the Navy.” She shook her head, that sense of dazed wonderment coming back to her.

  “If I heard right, the SEALs are one of the best trained in the world. Would you, uh, agree?” Bea inquired with a tongue-in-cheek smile.

  Anna Marie rolled her eyes. “Believe me, from what I had to go on last night, they are very well trained. He could do the most amazing things to my body, touch me in places I never knew I had. And he went all night. Talk about stamina. I don’t know how I survived it all, especially when he was so big and long…” Ann Marie stopped when she saw the older woman watching her with amusement, and realized she was being quite indiscreet, especially when it was in a place of work, although the door to her office was shut. “Anyway, I guess if I’m going Secret Affair 73

  to have sex once every century, it might as well be with a Navy SEAL, right? Who would have thought, huh?”

  Bea smiled as she watched the gray eyes heat with remembered passion. “Yes, who

  would have thought? How does your sister feel about this, and your brother-in-law?”

  Anna Marie shook her head. “Uh, uh. I have no plans to tell them anything about last night. As far as they’re concerned, I drove Cam’s brother to his hotel after dinner and left him there to get a good night sleep and in the morning he caught an early flight back to Washington.

  As far as they’re concerned, I was untouched, unmolested by the SEAL.”

  “Do you think you’ll see him again?”

  Some of the light dimmed on Anna Marie’s face, but she tried to shrug off the regret and disappointment. “Most likely not. It took him ten years to come into town and stay for more than ten minutes. Besides, I’m not his type.”

  Bea gave her an arched look. “Oh, right. A man screws a woman all night because he

  doesn’t in the least bit feel that she’s his type.”

  “You know what I mean. I’m not exactly a woman who inspires men to mad passion.

  That’s my sister. Anyway, I’ve a feeling that he went all night because he had just come in from being out in the cold for several months. It was all that pent up sexual energy.”

  “So, like a caveman, due to enforced long abstinence, he grabbed the nearest unattached female, that’s you, and shut both of you in the cave for the next several hours. If it had been Miss Piggy, he would have done the same thing to her, is that it?”

  Anna Marie sighed. “You’re deliberately misunderstanding me, Beatrice.”

  “No, maybe it’s you who is deliberately misunderstanding the situation. Obviously, this wild and woolly Navy SEAL found you very attractive last night. Believe it or not, that’s not such a big stretch. Now, it might have been a while since I’ve been on the market, but I do remember enough to know that when there is good sex, no, fantastic sex, it’s because there is good deal of physical attraction between the two people.”

  Anna Marie shook her head and said briskly, “Well, whatever it was between us, it’s

  probably a moot point, because it will never happen again.”

  Suddenly, the door flung open, and Broders entered and closed the door behind him. “Ah, I thought I would find you here.” Then he looked at the two women. “I hope I haven’t interrupted something.”

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  Beatrice stood up and smoothed down her skirt. “No, actually, you didn’t, Mr. Broders.

  Ms. Sorenson and I were just sitting in the office with the door closed, because we knew you would eventually walk in here without knocking and bothering to call first to see if she could see you at this hour.”

  She walked out, closing the door behind her. Broders for a moment stared at the closed door, wondering if he had just been insulted. Anna Marie put her hand over her mouth and struggled not to laugh.

  Broders squeezed his great bulk in a chair that was recently vacated by Beatrice with difficulty. “You shouldn’t encourage such insubordination from your employees, especially to a tax payer. They should remember just who pays their inflated salaries.”

  Anna Marie wanted to point out to the councilman that courtesy was an obligation that applied to everyone. Instead, she said with cool politeness, “Good afternoon, Mr. Broders. I guess you’re here about the proposal.” She sat down and opened the file. She figured she might as well not put off dealing with the councilman over the gift and coffee shop proposal any longer. He would just hound her until he got his way. “As I have said before, it is an interesting suggestion, and does have the potential to bring in more of the public and bring in some money through capitalism…”

  As Anna Marie expected, after that night, she did not see Dallas again, nor did she hear about him from her sister and brother-in-law. Although at times she was tempted to ask about him, she kept quiet
. She knew if she did ask and as long as she kept it as a normal conversation topic, she would not have drawn any suspicion. But she decided that it was best that she not talk of Dallas even if it were in neutral terms. She was afraid that it might bring up memories and longing for him. And she wasn’t used to pining for a man and there was no reason to start now, even if the man gave a woman every reason to pine for him.

  As it was , it was Pepper who brought up the subject of her brother-in-law.

  “What did you think about Cameron’s brother?” Pepper suddenly asked when Anna

  Marie was visiting her at her restaurant. They were in the kitchen while Pepper was testing out a new recipe

  The question caught Anna Marie by surprise and for a moment all she could do was stare at her sister. “Uh, he seems okay.”

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  “He’s a bit much, though, wasn’t he?”

  “What do you mean?” Anna Marie asked cautiously.

  “All that machismo that he exudes, silent, watchful, as if he were some alpha male just barely controlling himself from going on a rampage. Doesn’t seem all that civilized, either.” Anna Marie lowered her face to hide a flush, because she knew from first hand just how limited his boundaries of civility was.

  “I wonder what he’s like in bed,” Pepper said.

  Anna Marie jerked and knocked her untouched glass of wine, catching it barely in time from spilling.

  “Careful,” Pepper snapped. “Don’t you dare waste that good wine on the floor.”

  “Sorry,” Anna Marie murmured. “What a thing for you to wonder about your husband’s


  “Oh, I’m not saying that I want to do anything about it, or even that I’m attracted to him.