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Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair Page 12
Anna Marie Sorenson's Secret Affair Read online
Page 12
What in the hell were they going to talk about this time? But then, she remembered, they hadn’t really talked last time, because they had been having sex throughout the night. Outrageous sex was not a good conversation topic, she decided, even if the man that she had the sex with was currently sitting next to her.
Once or twice, she turned her head to the side and found Dallas staring at her, and she would quickly turn her eyes back to the road, her nervousness increasing.
Then she remembered Pepper’s order.
“Uh, you and Serena seem to be hitting it off,” she said.
There was a small pause from Dallas. “What?” he finally asked carefully.
“Well, she seemed to be quite interested in you.”
“Yes, I suppose.” There was little concern in his voice.
“I understand she’s a wonderful woman, from all that Pepper tells me about her. And
single, too. Can you imagine a woman like that, so beautiful, accomplished, successful, and not Secret Affair 92
married. She’s an editor, you know, Pepper’s editor, that is. That’s how they met and became friends. I think it’s been going on for close to seven years now. Pepper tells me that Serena travels a lot, you know, seeing all of her clients here and there. That’s something you have in common with her. You travel. She travels.”
When she came to a stoplight, Anna Marie turned her head and found that Dallas wasn’t listening to a word she was saying, but was staring straight ahead of him, his striking profile granite hard and remote.
It occurred to her that perhaps she should have stopped her blathering, but she had orders from her sister. She pressed on the gas and moved through the intersection. “Pepper told me that she was the valedictorian of her high school class, and she was a Merit Scholar winner with her SATs. Pepper said that all these colleges wanted her, offering her all these scholarships, but she chose Vassar back east. I think she studied art, or art history. Something like that. So you know her education is impeccable. Like yours, actually. And I understand she comes from a rich family, like yours. So, you also have that in common.”
She glanced at Dallas who was leaning his head against the back of his seat, his right foot propped on the ledge at the bottom of the car door, letting his right arm rest on his raised knee.
Even at this, the world’s easiest assignment, she was failing, Anna Marie thought. That’s what her sister would tell her. That she couldn’t even get a man, a normal, red-blooded, heterosexual man interested in a beautiful, available woman.
She gripped the steering wheel with both hands, braced herself, and strove on. “And you know, Pepper isn’t Serena’s biggest client. I understand that half the Food Network celebrities are signed up with her. She’s quite successful as an editor, and much sought after.” She dug into her purse with one hand and pulled out the slip of paper and held it out to Dallas, her eyes concentrating on the road. When she pulled the car at another red light, and realized that he had yet to take the paper, she turned her eyes to him. Suddenly he moved and the next thing she knew, her lips were captured by his and she was swept into a wild kiss, her head held steady by his hand while he plundered her mouth. The same raw passion instantly sprang inside her as it had the first time he kissed her, and she kissed him back as unrestrained as he was, moaning low with hunger.
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He lifted his head nearly a minute later. Anna Marie looked up him with heavily glazed eyes, her swollen red lips parted in an ‘O’. “Does this mean you want to come to my place for a drink?” It was a genuine question with surprise in it.
Dallas smiled down at her, dazzling her with it because it was an actual smile filled with humor, dispelling the usual cold detached hardness from his face so that his looks were suddenly striking and devastating. He kissed her lightly on the nose. “You might say that. Why do you think I went through all that trouble again to get you to drive me?”
She thought for a moment. “I thought you really needed a ride to your hotel.”
Dallas frowned at her, peering at her more closely. “You know, for a librarian, you can be dumb as dirt where men are concerned.”
A look of shock came to her small face before her eyebrows lowered with outrage and
her mouth went prim. “Hey, that’s not very gentlemanly of you.
The look that Anna Marie was giving him was so fierce but so harmless that he was
reminded again of his white and gray kitten. He had to kiss her all over again. This time the kiss was interrupted by an impatient horn from a car behind them, reminding them that the light was green.
Immensely flustered by the kisses and by the fact that this incredible man would want her again, she hurriedly put the car in gear but kept fumbling and grinding the gears, and became even more addled when the cars behind her continued to honk at her. She finally was able to get the car moving, her hands clenched at the wheel, because she was shaking with sudden nerves at the realization at that she was about to have sex again with Dallas Trenton. She half feared and half anticipated the hours of erotic pleasure that he would force her to endure at his hands.
Dallas leaned over the gearshift and began to nibble on her neck, sending sharp shivers of pleasure down her spine.
“Hmmmm,” she hummed, letting her eyelids drift closed then shot them open when she
realized that, since she was in the middle of driving, she would need them open.
When she felt Dallas’s warm wet tongue fill her ear the shock of the erotic pleasure that coursed through her had her jerking the car to the side so that she nearly ran into an oncoming car.
Feebly she attempted to push him away. “Stop that. I can’t drive when you do that.”
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He ignored her and continued to tongue her ear, holding her head still so that she couldn’t turn away.
“Turn left,” Dallas murmured.
Anna Marie barely heard him, blinking her eyes rapidly in an attempt to keep them open.
“Turn left, not right.”
She realized she was about to make a wrong turn. “Oh, that’s right.” She hastily corrected the car, again, just avoiding getting hit.
She drove a few more blocks. But with Dallas’s tongue buried in her ear and muddling her brain, she could not remember which street to turn on.
“Turn right, here,” he ordered against her neck.
“Oh, that’s right.” She turned the car down the street.
Anna Marie had to be instructed two more times on the direction to her home. Once she was in her driveway, she pulled the keys out and got out of the car, dazed and uncoordinated.
Dallas was immediately in front of her, before she was even aware of it, picked her up and set her on the hood of her car. He rested one hand on each side of her and brought his face close to hers and nuzzled her nose with his. This made her giggle, which, surprisingly, drew a large smile from him.
He took her ankles and wrapped her legs around his waist and hauled her up and carried her to her door, making her giggle even more. After much fumbling, they managed to get inside the condo. Dallas carried her to her bedroom. Rather unceremoniously, he dumped Anna Marie on the bed, purse and keys and all, and followed her.
Unnoticed by both of them, as they were too absorbed in their heavy petting, the fat orange tabby was lying on one side of the bed, completely unperturbed by their passionate invasion into his quiet restful domain. Even when the tall man dropped his mistress onto the bed, the cat only blinked lazily when the bed bounced violently under its corpulent weight. He only took minimal notice when the two humans began to undress themselves and their clothes were flying about its furry head. When one garment fell on top of him, burying his head, it only gave a mild growling meow and shook its lion-like head free.
“Oh, I forgot how big you were,” the cat heard his mistress say with some distress.
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That earned her a sharp reprimand fr
om the man, who turned her onto her hands and
knees and gave her a slap on her naked buttocks, making her yelp with shocked insult and a shake of her behind. The man turned her onto her back again, parted her legs, and thrust heavily between them. The mistress moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist.
The two went on like that, struggling against one another, their bodies writhing, both doing a great deal of moaning and groaning. Then the mistress’s cry became louder and higher, and she was wailing, her head shaking from side to side. And that was when the orange tabby took umbrage, his mistresses’ high-pitched cry assailing his sensitive ears. Annoyed, he lumbered off the bed, landing on the floor with a dull thud, and ambled out of the room in search of a more quiet room.
A few hours later, when there didn’t seem to be any noise coming from his mistress’s bedroom, the cat re-entered the room, climbed up the bed, sat politely on one corner of it, and surveyed what looked to be a carnage. Both his mistress and the man were lying naked amidst the tangled bed covers, their bodies entwined, deeply asleep. Now that there seemed to be peace in the room once again, the cat padded over to them, tested the spot that was right next to the small of the man’s back with it’s claws, circled a few times to be sure, and curled up tightly in itself, nestled firmly against the man’s back.
Less than thirty minutes later, Dallas began to stir. The first thing his senses told him was the soft, naked body pressed close into his, her face buried in his neck, was Anna Marie. It was, he decided, about the nicest way to wake up, tightening his arms around her. While he was deciding if he wanted to go back to sleep or rouse his sleeping lover to another, but this time, slow bout of sex, he became aware of something soft and furry pressed up against his back. He reached back and touched the cat, which turned its head and licked Dallas’s hand before resting it on its paws.
He should have slept. He had been traveling for two days, coming back from a mission in Turkistan, spent four hours briefing his superior at the Pentagon once he landed in Washington, then had caught a flight from Washington to San Francisco. He had, again, an early morning flight to Hawaii, where he would meet up with his team and travel to Hong Kong.
It had been a while since he had a naked female flesh in his arms. But all he could think of was the creamy flesh of a timid librarian with shy, gray eyes and hesitant smile. While wrapping up his mission in Turkistan, he began to plan how he could squeeze in a few hours Secret Affair 96
with the librarian between missions. So, from the time he and his men began to finish up their mission, he had ruthlessly manipulated every means at his disposal, whether it was to extort from his superior a few hours of R & R before his next assignment, shamelessly seducing an airline ticket agent to give him the last seat on the flight to San Francisco, or maneuvering Anna Marie to drive him home and spend another night with him. And now, here he was, his hands once again on the librarian’s soft naked body, and he couldn’t think of anything more pleasurable than that. Lazily soaking in the pleasure, Dallas idly run his hands up and down Anna Marie’s back.
She began to stir in his arms, at first, trying to burrow herself further into them. But she soon realized that there was no way she could ignore the growing insistent demand of a naked Navy SEAL. She opened her eyes and met heavy green ones, and she gave a sleepy smile.
“Hi,” she greeted throatily, then gave that hesitant smile and then lowered her eyes in that shy way of hers when she saw his green eyes became intensely wolf-hungry.
Dallas put his finger under her chin and lifted her face up to his and captured her lips. As he kissed her, he rolled on top of her, pulling her beneath him, his legs parting hers. A few minutes later, he was fucking her hard and long again, and Anna Marie was again making her high, wailing sound.
The orange tabby sighed with impatient weary disgust, rolled heavily to its four large paws, all the while meowing as harsh a scolding as a pampered, obese, lazy tabby could muster to his two human bed partners on the etiquette of bed-sharing. But the humans were far from listening to him, too intent on their vigorous sex. Resigned, the tabby clambered, once again, down the bed and out of the room.
Dallas woke up the next morning around five o’clock. Although he was reluctant to do so, he decided he would make the nine o’clock flight out of SFO to Hawaii. He rose from the bed and went into the bathroom to turn the shower on. He came into the bedroom to retrieve his toiletry bag and stopped when he caught sight of Anna Marie’s supine body on the rumpled bed.
Her naked buttocks were in full view, and she had one leg bent so that her pink cleft framed by the tight tawny curls was revealed to him. Without considering what he was doing, he walked over to the bed and curved his hand over one smooth globe, caressing the voluptuous curves fondly and lasciviously. He dipped his fingers between the lower parts of the two cheeks and, unable to help himself, inserted a longer finger into her channel. He found her slick and very tight, even after having been fucked by him for most of the night. She was tight because she had Secret Affair 97
been fucked for most of the night and so her loins were swollen. He had to have her all over again.
He moved his finger inside the warm womanly flesh, caressing her. Anna Marie, still
asleep, moaned and wriggled her buttocks. He did it again and was rewarded with the same wriggling but this time with a soft but high, distress cry. Dallas scooped up his sleeping lover in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. Under the warm spray of water, he slowly woke her to wet sex.
An hour later, clean, immensely replete, but largely lethargic, Anna Marie stepped into her bedroom, drying her body with a large bath towel. She stopped when she caught her reflection in the closet mirror. Hesitantly, she examined her face. It was a face she recognized as her own. If she has thought that hot, outrageous sex would turn her into a beautiful swan, she was disappointed. She still had the short, mousy brown, baby-fine hair, the same pale face with its nondescript features, the same solemn gray eyes. But, surely, she should have gained some sort of beauty, she thought as she examined her features. It seemed only fair that having wild, blistering sex with a Navy SEAL not once but many times should give her some sort of beauty, at least a certain allure. Granted her skin glowed, and her gray eyes that tended to look a little lifeless were luminous. But, overall, she still looked like what she had always been, a quietly staid, unexciting librarian.
Still curious, Anna Marie slowly opened her towel, shyly, cautiously, to the mirror.
Looking at her naked body in a mirror was something she rarely did. Before, it seemed so… self-indulgent, hedonistic, and paganistic. But, now, it only seemed right that she should get to know better her own body when it was obvious that this Navy SEAL was so enamored with it, to the point that it was a near obsession for him.
She started to giggle at the full view of her naked body in the mirror and quickly closed the towel. Then she realized that it was ridiculous for a grown woman to be nervous and ashamed of seeing her own naked body. Shaking her head, and shaking off the sense of childish self-consciousness, Anna Marie opened her towel and determinedly examined her body.
She had always lamented at the large size of her breasts, especially for her small size.
But, now, remembering the numerous times her big bruiser of a sailor had laid his big hands on them to fondle and squeeze their heavy weight, pulling at them, drawing them deeply into his mouth, all the while he rutting his swollen cock ruthlessly into her snatch, she couldn’t help but Secret Affair 98
be proud of them. In fact, she knew that every time she looked at her breasts, she would now get aroused all over again, because she would remember Dallas’s male hands on them.
She turned aside and examined her buttocks. They were also full and round, but not so blatantly that it drew lecherous stares as her breasts did. She smiled at their seductive curves, wiggling them in front of the mirror, testing them. Dallas’s hands and mouth had also squeezed and fondled them many times. And she would always reme
mber how he held her with his hands gripping her buttocks while he plunged inside her over and over. And he had held them hard and fast, and she could see patches of bruises on her white cheeks left by is large hands.
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Chapter 8
Anna Marie jumped when there was a low, appreciative whistle from behind her. She
turned and saw Dallas leaning his shoulder against the opening of the bathroom, gloriously naked, his short black damp hair clinging to his skull.
Quickly, she wrapped the towel around her. “I…I didn’t see you there.”
“Don’t let me stop you. There’s nothing more I enjoy than watching a woman getting
turned on my her own body.”
Anna Marie frowned and said primly. “I was not getting turned on. I was just examining my body for a…uh…a perfectly objective reason.”
“Honey, there’s nothing wrong with getting it on with your own body. Do you
She flushed but said with dignity, at least with what dignity she could muster under the circumstances, “I prefer not to answer a question on such a private matter. “
“How much more private can it be than me masturbating you.”
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“That wasn’t…masturb…” She stopped and caught her breath. She could barely say the
word, because the word, and the act, was unfamiliar to her. And he already knew that. “What we did is not masturbation.”
“Then, what would you call it if not masturbation?”
He came closer to her, and she backed away. Suddenly, in all his male nakedness, he
became menacing, and darkly so.
“It was…”
“Making love?” He smiled icily, dismissing the term as quaint and trite. “What I did to you in that bed had nothing to do with love. It was masturbation. I had my hand, sometimes both hands, on your pussy. If I didn’t have my dick inside you, I had my fingers inside, feeling you come all over me, your warm juices bathing me. And I played with your clit, while I was fucking you, or not. And you liked it, especially while I was fucking you, Anna Marie. You have a very sensitive pussy, and you should play with it more often. And I liked it. I liked very much masturbating you, Anna Marie.” Slowly, he came around the bed, coming nearer to her. He could see that she had to physically prevent herself from retreating. “When I leave today, and I’m somewhere in some strange country, I’d like to think that that’s what you’re doing at that moment, masturbating yourself, and while you’re doing it, it’s me that you’re thinking about.” Goosebumps were sprouting all over Anna Marie’s skin, but it wasn’t any chill in the room that was making her shiver. His words, so salacious, so explicit, and the sensual menace in his green eyes were creating havoc to her nerves, and to her loins that were tightening with heavy heat. She was only too clearly able to imagine his fingers deep in her pussy, taking her little nub between his thumb and forefinger, and then his huge cock deep inside her, distending her flesh with its great size.